A commercial parody is a fictional advertisement for a non-existent product. Used either as a way of ridiculing or drawing negative attention towards a real advertisement. This is a group project, no more than 4 members to a group. You will brainstorm together and come up with a product or service you want to spoof. Here's a challenge, stay away from just creating an "INFOMERCIAL"where you have a spokes person who talks to the camera. Rather, think of a commercial as a short 30 second movie that tells a story and sells something. The story is the information about the product/service you are selling. COMMERCIAL TIME LIMITS: 60 seconds -2.5 min(MAX) CAMERA SHOT LIST:
These are the "needed" shots list, but you are free to add other camera shots as well. You will be creating your own product or service. Complete with logo design, packaging, and advertisement. |