Photo Theme Assignments
Your photo assignment themes are all about helping you in improving your craft and broaden your creative scope. By participating in these assignments, you will gain experience in practicing photography “rules”, composition, camera techniques, and many other creative exercises specifically designed to help you see differently. Break out of your own creative shells, and let’s have some fun!
Your First Assignment Theme Is…
Assignment #1 Theme: Song Titles
Your challenge is to think of any song, and then create a photograph around the title of that song. This is one of the more challenging creative exercises, but the intention is to give you creative liberty with your choice of song title, while providing focus to the subject once you’ve made your choice.
Your challenge is to think of any song, and then create a photograph around the title of that song. This is one of the more challenging creative exercises, but the intention is to give you creative liberty with your choice of song title, while providing focus to the subject once you’ve made your choice.
Assignment #2 Is...
Assignment #2 Theme: Out Of Focus
Usually, the goal when taking photos is to produce the sharpest, most realistic representation of the “real life” scene you are photographing. So why on Earth would we want to take an intentionally blurred photo? By taking the details out of the equation, we can work on telling a story through the remaining elements of an image – light, form, and colour. Concentrate on those remaining elements and remember that details aren’t always part of the big picture. What story will your photo tell us?
Usually, the goal when taking photos is to produce the sharpest, most realistic representation of the “real life” scene you are photographing. So why on Earth would we want to take an intentionally blurred photo? By taking the details out of the equation, we can work on telling a story through the remaining elements of an image – light, form, and colour. Concentrate on those remaining elements and remember that details aren’t always part of the big picture. What story will your photo tell us?
Assignment # 3 is....
Faces In Places
This exercise is to help you see the world a little differently and to also help you to pay attention to details around you.
You need to photograph 3 different faces in places. These need to be naturally occurring in architecture, objects, clothing, or nature. Look at big things or look at really small things. Look at things sideways or upside down to try and find awesome faces. |