Scavenger Hunt
To get more practice with the cameras, you will be completing this scavenger hunt.
You may go together to get the photos but try to get unique photos. Think creatively.
Try to make your photos artistic and high quality, not just a quick snap and walk away.
You may use AUTO mode on the cameras.
You may go together to get the photos but try to get unique photos. Think creatively.
Try to make your photos artistic and high quality, not just a quick snap and walk away.
You may use AUTO mode on the cameras.
- Something shiny
- Someone's eye
- Something sharp
- Something that starts with the letters A, B and C together in one photo
- Something red
- Something blue
- Something smaller than a mouse
- Something bigger than you
- Something moving
- Your reflection in an unexpected place
- A shadow
- The sky
- Light
- Someone taking a photo
- Something alive
- Something smooth
- Something you love
- Your favourite part of school
- Your least favourite part of school