Flash Assignment - Bouncing Ball Project
Frame by Frame
In the first example, we will make a ball bounce using frame by frame animation and learn about Onion skinning.
In the first example, we will make a ball bounce using frame by frame animation and learn about Onion skinning.
- Create a ball about the size of a quarter with a red radial gradient. Make the high light in the upper right hand corner. Place the ball on the upper left hand corner of your stage.
- Label this layer, “frame by frame”
- Convert it into a symbol. Call it “Frame by frame”. Make it a graphic symbol.
- Turn on the Onion Skin button so you can see the next steps better.
5. Insert a Key Frame in Frame 2. Then move the ball down a bit. Repeat this until you have a total of 6 frames filled.
6.On frame 7, insert a key frame just like you have, but this time move the ball back up so that it matches the last onion from frame 5. Repeat.
7.As you move back up, you will have to expand the onion skin bar so that you can see all the key frames.
8.Stop when you get back to the top.
9.To play the movie, you can press control + Enter or drag the play head back and forth.
10.Insert a new layer and call it “Titles”. Create a red title over it with the text “Frame by Frame"
6.On frame 7, insert a key frame just like you have, but this time move the ball back up so that it matches the last onion from frame 5. Repeat.
7.As you move back up, you will have to expand the onion skin bar so that you can see all the key frames.
8.Stop when you get back to the top.
9.To play the movie, you can press control + Enter or drag the play head back and forth.
10.Insert a new layer and call it “Titles”. Create a red title over it with the text “Frame by Frame"
Motion Tween
In the next example, you will see how easy and fast it would be to use motion tween to do the same thing.
In the next example, you will see how easy and fast it would be to use motion tween to do the same thing.
- Insert a new layer and label it “Motion”.
- Create a ball about the same size with a green radial gradient. Make the high light in the upper right hand corner. Place the ball on the upper middle part of the stage.
- Convert the ball to graphic symbol and call it “motion”.
- Right click on the keyframe on this layer and select “Create motion tween”. The key frame is the little black dot. The square should turn blue.
- Now insert a keyframe at frame 6 and one at frame 11.
- Then click on the keyframe on frame 6 and move the ball down to the same depth as the frame by frame ball.
- To play the movie, you can press control + Enter or drag the play head back and forth.
- In the “Titles” layer, create a green title over it with the text “Motion”
Shape Tween
In the next example, you will see how easy and fast it is to use shape tween to change the shape and color of the ball.
In the next example, you will see how easy and fast it is to use shape tween to change the shape and color of the ball.
- Insert a new layer and label it “Shape”.
- Create a ball about the same size with a blue radial gradient. Make the high light in the upper right hand corner. Place the ball on the upper right part of the stage.
- DO NOT Convert the ball to graphic symbol! You can not shape tween a symbol!
- Left click on the keyframe on this layer . This will change the properties window so that you will get to select the type of tween you would like. Change this drop down to “Shape”. The square should turn green.
- Now insert a keyframe at frame 6 and one at frame 11.
- Then click on the keyframe on frame 6 and move the ball down to the same depth as the frame by frame ball.
- To play the movie, you can press control + Enter or drag the play head back and forth.
- With shape tween, we are not done yet! Click on the keyframe in frame 6. Now, change the fill color and use the rectangle tool too change the ball into a box.
- To play the movie, you can press control + Enter or drag the play head back and forth.
- In the “Titles” layer, create a blue title over it with the text “Shape”
Light & Sound 20/30 - Second Project
You will animate your Name for this assignment. If your name is Sam, you will use Sam-not your name like in the tutorial.
Once you have finished the animation, save it and show Mr. Halverson your completed Project.
Once you have finished the animation, save it and show Mr. Halverson your completed Project.