GIF Project
What is an animated Gif? A Gif file is a web safe file format that has a cool feature, it can have different frames like a video, you can also change the playback speed and duration per frame.Unfortunately they can't have sound. You can do some really cool stuff with Gif's
Gif Assignment:
Part A
- Create an animated gif, you can use photographs to make a timed slideshow, or a short animation with sequential drawings
- Follow the instructions below as a rough guide only. There are several ways to make animated gifs in photoshop
- This is just a quick project to get you used to creating gifs. The final gif must display on your blog full size in order for animation to work, so make sure the image size is small enough
- This Gif should have at least 10 frames of animation
How to make a Gif in Photoshop
The flower file can be found on the Student Share Drive - 0.Halverson (folder) - Gif Flower (folder). Create and save your GIF animation. You will be creating other GIF for future projects.
Tree Animation
Watch the tutorial below and create your own Christmas Tree GIF. Use the snowflakes that are located within the brush tool. Make sure you change the colors on the snowflakes as you create their individual layers. Animate the layers to create your GIF
The brushes can be found on the Student Share folder - 0.Halverson folder- 0.Brushes folder- SS snow file
The brushes can be found on the Student Share folder - 0.Halverson folder- 0.Brushes folder- SS snow file