Manual Mode Scavenger Hunt
Now that you have some practice with all of the settings that make up manual mode, you will be completing another exercise similar to the scavenger hunt.
All photos need to be correctly exposed unless directed to be under/over, and should still be artistic.
You must take the following photos in the specified places:
Answer the following questions:
What was the biggest challenge you faced during this exercise?
Which setting did you manipulate the most when outside?
Which setting did you manipulate most when inside?
What happens when you increased only shutter speed?
What happens when you increased only aperture?
What happens when you increase only ISO?
All photos need to be correctly exposed unless directed to be under/over, and should still be artistic.
You must take the following photos in the specified places:
- An over exposed photo anywhere inside.
- An underexposed photo anywhere outside.
- A photo of the front of the school building.
- A photo of a toy from the studio in the hallway down by the gym change rooms.
- A photo of a toy from the studio on top of a locker.
- A photo of someone in the studio with 1 studio light on.
- A photo of someone in the hallway (not moving).
- A photo of someone outside.
- A photo of the sky .
- A photo of a mural in the school.
- A photo through a skylight.
- A photo of something moving in the hallway with motion blur.
- A photo of something moving in the hallway without motion blur.
- A photo demonstrating a small depth of field.
- A photo demonstrating a large depth of field.
Answer the following questions:
What was the biggest challenge you faced during this exercise?
Which setting did you manipulate the most when outside?
Which setting did you manipulate most when inside?
What happens when you increased only shutter speed?
What happens when you increased only aperture?
What happens when you increase only ISO?