Photoshop Shortcuts:
- ALT + CTRL + Z = to undo the last thing you did
- [ and ] = to make a paintbrush smaller or larger
- CTRL and + = to zoom in
- CTRL and - = to zoom out
- To copy a selected object: Right Click -> Layer Via Copy
- To re-size an object: CTRL + T
- To de-select marching ants around an object: CTRL + D
- Content Aware Fill: Roughly select area with Lasso Tool. Go to Edit - Fill - Content Aware Fill
- Content Aware Move: Content Aware Move Tool, then move object
Images #1-3
- Create 3 composite ("mash up") images, combining elements from two or more images.
Best option: Quick Select tool
***If you choose to use other photos you find, please ensure you add "high res" to your search to make sure the image is high quality!
Making Selections in Photoshop - MaskingMaking selections in Photoshop can be overwhelming when you start. But once you understand what the tools can do making selections can become like second nature. A good selection can make the difference in an image between beginner and expert looking final products.
The different Selection Tools include:
Marquee Tools - Include Rectangular, Elliptical and Single Row and Single Column. This tools do what they claim. While using the Rectangular or Elliptical Tools if you hold down the Shift Key it constrains the proportions of the selection into a square or circle. If you hold down the Ctrl key it starts to make the selection from the centre. (You can hold both keys at the same time to make a circle or square from the centre).
Lasso Tools - Lasso makes a free hand selection. The Polygonal Lasso tool creates a selection that consists of multiple line segments. The Magnetic Lass tool tries to attach to what it sees as a potential outline.
And finally we have our Quick Selection tool and Magic Wand. The Magic Wand makes selections based upon pixel colours. You can change the Tolerance of this tool in the Option bar so that it selects more or less pixels. The Quick Selection Tools works on selecting in an area trying to also match pixels - the large the brush tip the more it will pick up.
Today you are going to work with the selection tools to select the subjects from the below images. You will then activate a Mask. You can invert your mask or your selection. To invert a selection the short cut keys are command+shift+i.
You will then place a new back ground behind the image.
The different Selection Tools include:
Marquee Tools - Include Rectangular, Elliptical and Single Row and Single Column. This tools do what they claim. While using the Rectangular or Elliptical Tools if you hold down the Shift Key it constrains the proportions of the selection into a square or circle. If you hold down the Ctrl key it starts to make the selection from the centre. (You can hold both keys at the same time to make a circle or square from the centre).
Lasso Tools - Lasso makes a free hand selection. The Polygonal Lasso tool creates a selection that consists of multiple line segments. The Magnetic Lass tool tries to attach to what it sees as a potential outline.
And finally we have our Quick Selection tool and Magic Wand. The Magic Wand makes selections based upon pixel colours. You can change the Tolerance of this tool in the Option bar so that it selects more or less pixels. The Quick Selection Tools works on selecting in an area trying to also match pixels - the large the brush tip the more it will pick up.
Today you are going to work with the selection tools to select the subjects from the below images. You will then activate a Mask. You can invert your mask or your selection. To invert a selection the short cut keys are command+shift+i.
You will then place a new back ground behind the image.
Content Aware See lesson below:
Selection options
- get rid of it -- "shift+delete" -- fill using "content aware"
- to select what to use -- use patch tool (under the band-aid tool - "spot healing brush"
- to move - content aware move tool (under patch)
- to extend - change option bar options
Selection options
- get rid of it -- "shift+delete" -- fill using "content aware"
- to select what to use -- use patch tool (under the band-aid tool - "spot healing brush"
- to move - content aware move tool (under patch)
- to extend - change option bar options
Expand an object (think fence or awning...)
Still using the "Content Aware Move Tool" change the option in the options bar that currently says "Move" to "Extend". Make a selection of the area you want expanded. Move it to where you want it to be. You might need to now use the "Spot Healing Brush" to clean your edges... |
CLONE STAMP & HEALING BRUSH, COLOURIZE B&W (4 IMAGES) Hand in 1 photo of each of the following:
You are going to practice using the clone stamp and spot healing brush. The clone stamp tool requires that you first sample the area you would like to copy and it then stamps it to your new placement (you target and then paste). Note the cross that follows you as you move across your image - this represents what is being sampled. If it moves to far you will need to resample. The spot healing brush averages the pixels that surround it and tries to "guess" what you want.
You will clear the skin on the following two images. Make sure that you make your "corrections" on their own blank layer. Make sure that in the tool options bar you have selected to sample from all layers.
On the next two images you are going to use the "content-aware" feature in Photoshop. Make a general selection around the two people in the images and use the short-cut keys Shift+delete to bring up the Fill menu. Select content aware as the fill option and watch the people disappear from the image. You may need to use the Clone Stamp tool and the Spot Healing brush to clean up the image.
On the next two images you are going to make some colour changes. One option to do this is through Adjustment Layers. Make a selection around the object that you want to change the colour of, then go to the Adjustment Menu and select Hue/Saturation. Make sure the Colourize box is selected and use the above sliders to determine the colour of your choice. Since this created an Adjustment Layer you can edit this at anytime. By clicking on the layer you can change the colour. By activating the black and white mask (clicking on the thumbnail) you can paint with a black or white paint brush to control what is coloured and what is not (Black conceals and White reveals).
You will clear the skin on the following two images. Make sure that you make your "corrections" on their own blank layer. Make sure that in the tool options bar you have selected to sample from all layers.
On the next two images you are going to use the "content-aware" feature in Photoshop. Make a general selection around the two people in the images and use the short-cut keys Shift+delete to bring up the Fill menu. Select content aware as the fill option and watch the people disappear from the image. You may need to use the Clone Stamp tool and the Spot Healing brush to clean up the image.
On the next two images you are going to make some colour changes. One option to do this is through Adjustment Layers. Make a selection around the object that you want to change the colour of, then go to the Adjustment Menu and select Hue/Saturation. Make sure the Colourize box is selected and use the above sliders to determine the colour of your choice. Since this created an Adjustment Layer you can edit this at anytime. By clicking on the layer you can change the colour. By activating the black and white mask (clicking on the thumbnail) you can paint with a black or white paint brush to control what is coloured and what is not (Black conceals and White reveals).
The best way to get better is to practice! See the attached document - follow the instructions but use your judgement and creativity to make it happen. (Don't forget to ask for help!) |
Baby - remove spots
Car - change the background
Tobogganing - remove snow tracks
Paint Buckets - add colour
Black and white flower - add colour to the flower, change the background, add a filter effect
Yellow Sunflower - add an adjustment layer so only the flower is in colour
Fish and Bowl - Place the fish in the fish bowl (Hint - don't select the fish - instead use a blending mode to eliminate the white background - In the Layers Panel drop down menu where it says Normal)
Car - change the background
Tobogganing - remove snow tracks
Paint Buckets - add colour
Black and white flower - add colour to the flower, change the background, add a filter effect
Yellow Sunflower - add an adjustment layer so only the flower is in colour
Fish and Bowl - Place the fish in the fish bowl (Hint - don't select the fish - instead use a blending mode to eliminate the white background - In the Layers Panel drop down menu where it says Normal)