Part I: Photo-taking and Brainstorming
Part II: Editing
- Choose any object that you want to animate
- Brainstorm on how/what story you want your object to portray. Do not spend too much time on this stage.
- You will create a simple stop motion video by making the object move around in your frame.
- This is not a big project, just an exercise to get the hang of "stop motion" animating.
- There should be a minimum of 200 photographs, which roughly equates to about 20 seconds.
- Students will be using their personal phones. Make sure you have enough space to save photos.
- You should try not to move your frame/camera while you are taking your photos. (The object should move and not the frame)
- Upload your photographs into a folder named- STOP MOTION EXERCISE in your folder
- Import these photographs into iMovie afterwards.
Part II: Editing
- Create a stop motion video that is minimum 20 seconds long (not including credits and titles)
- Your stop motion will include the incorporation of background music to give the animation appropriate soundscape
- Make sure to turn off KEN BURNS effect for all your photographs.
- Each photograph should be set to 0.10 seconds
- Export your movie SHARE>FILE> choose HD
- Submit your movie as or .mp4
Create a movie poster promoting the Stop Motion animation film you are making. This project can be made in Photoshop or Illustrator. Take a photo from your stop motion project and use that for the dominant image for the poster.
Take a look at the poster examples above. What elements and components does a movie poster need? Make a list of the parts you need before your start working in Photoshop or Illustrator.
Ask yourself, "What are the important parts of the movie poster? How large should they be in relation to the other areas?"
i.e.- The movie title should be prominent and large so it can be read right away.
Take a look at the poster examples above. What elements and components does a movie poster need? Make a list of the parts you need before your start working in Photoshop or Illustrator.
Ask yourself, "What are the important parts of the movie poster? How large should they be in relation to the other areas?"
i.e.- The movie title should be prominent and large so it can be read right away.