Video Intro
There are 2 parts to this assignment:
A. Storyboard
A storyboard is a graphic, sequential depiction of a narrative. Recall major events of the story, then illustrate the events in the squares provided. Each diagram consists of: a sketch or description of the video image; notes for the camera operator; the details of the desired music, lighting, position of characters, emotions, etc. that will accompany the visual.
A. Storyboard
- Go to YouTube and search for “Adidas’ New Training Spot Starring Connor McDavid ” or click on the following link
- Using the storyboard paper provided on the following pages, draw the storyboard for this commercial.
A storyboard is a graphic, sequential depiction of a narrative. Recall major events of the story, then illustrate the events in the squares provided. Each diagram consists of: a sketch or description of the video image; notes for the camera operator; the details of the desired music, lighting, position of characters, emotions, etc. that will accompany the visual.
- Hand in the completed storyboard to your instructor when you have finished
B. Video Project
You are going to make a 30-60 second video with music. This video does NOT have to make sense. You will be marked on how well you follow the instructions and your mastery of the technique needed for this program, not content.
Follow these steps:
You are going to make a 30-60 second video with music. This video does NOT have to make sense. You will be marked on how well you follow the instructions and your mastery of the technique needed for this program, not content.
- For the purpose of this assignment you do not need to include a script.
Follow these steps:
- Open Windows Movie Maker 2.6 (Start > Windows Movie Maker 2.6).
- Make sure that on the left side of your screen you have a window named Movie Tasks. If you do not, click on the button that says Tasks at the top of the screen.
- Click Show Timeline near the bottom of the screen.
- In the Movie Tasks pane, click on Make titles or credits.
- Choose “Title at the beginning of the movie”
- Type in the desired title. You may also choose to change the title animation or change the font or colour. When you are happy with your title, click Done, add title to movie.
- From the Movie Tasks window, choose Import Video.
- You may repeat Step 7 to get different video clips for your movie.
- Click on one of the movie clips shown and drag it down to the timeline, placing it after the title.
- Fill the timeline with video clips until the time amounts to about 25 seconds. To get clips from other movies that you imported you will need to use the drop down menu next to the word Collections on the toolbar.
- You can cut the clips down by dragging the handle after you have placed them on the timeline.
- From the Movie Tasks window, click on Make titles or credits.
- Choose “Add credits at the end of the movie”
- Enter your credits in the same way that you did for your title. When you are finished, click Done, add title to movie.
- Click on Show Storyboard near the bottom of the screen.
- In the Movie Tasks pane, click on View Video effects.
- Choose 1 video effect and drag it on top of the star in the clip on the timeline you want to apply it to.
- From the Movie Tasks window, click on View Video Transitions.
- Choose at least 2 different transitions and drag them onto the box between the movie clips where you want them to appear.
- Click on Show Timeline near the bottom of the screen.
- At this time trim any clips necessary to ensure that your movie is exactly 30 seconds.
- To add music, click on Import audio or music from the Movie Tasks window.
- To find the music files go to the internet-your own-etc
- Drag your music clip on to the timeline in the line for Audio/Music and drag in the handle until it is 30 seconds long.
- In the next to the timeline, click on the + next to the video clips line. In the line for Audio, right click on each of the boxes and choose Mute to ensure that you cannot hear the audio from the video clips.
- Click at the beginning of the timeline and hit play to watch your video. Please note: you will need headphones to hear your music.